Note: Some texts are buried deep in e-archives. If title link does not work, click source.

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General Resources

American Classical League

ACL Homepage presents an extensive list of on-line academic resources for teaching Greek, Latin & classical cultures.

Biblioteca Arcana

Neo-pagan revival of the religious life of ancient Greek & Rome includes research on seasonal festivals, the Pythagorean pentacle, the Saturnalia, etc.

Gnomon On-Line: Bibliographische Datenbank

Bibliography of on-line resources of classical world enables searches by title & author or a thesaurus. Bi-lingual website of Jurgen Malitz posts results in German and English.

The Internet Classics Archive

Daniel C. Stevenson's award-winning site provides a collection of almost 400 texts by Greek & Roman authors in classic ET (formatted for on-line searches & downloading). Sources of particular significance for history of religion include Homer, Plato's dialogues, Plotinus, Tacitus & Virgil. Works catalogued by author (site operational but not maintained since 2010).

K. C. Hanson's Classified Bibliographies

On-line lists of recent scholarly literature on Greco-Roman Studies & the Bible, Greco-Roman Ceremony & Ritual, & parallels between Hellenic, Semitic & Anatolian Cultures.

Livius: Articles on Ancient History

Dutch historian Jona Lendering's award winning web of illustrated/hyper-linked articles on almost every aspect of ancient history.

The Perseus Digital Library

Tufts U's Classics Department's evolving website on ancient Greece & now Rome is the most extensive on-line archive of classic texts (in Greek, Latin & ET). Scholarly tools include lexica, word search tools & morphological analyses. Annotated encyclopedia articles introduce major authors (including Hesiod, Homer, & Plato). Over 33,000 images include archaeological site plans & photos of coins, vases, architecture & sculpture.

The Stele

Homepage of Omphalos, an on-line clearinghouse for Greco-Roman neo-pagan resources.


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This page was revised 01 February 2023


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