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General Resources

Boston Collaborative Encyclopedia of Western Theology

Growing archive of student essays from Wesley Wildman's graduate seminars contains well-researched entries on more than 100 authors.  While focused on individual thinkers from the 18th-20th c., it includes essays on modern movements, schools, & a few seminal figures of earlier periods (Boston U).


Richard W. Kropf's electronic journal of the sciences, philosophy & theology with a Teilhardian perspective. Recent issues focus on "Can Science Prove God?," "Theodicy in an Evolutionary Perspective," "Life After Death," "Universe: Open or Closed?," & "The Creator's Software: Physics & Information Theory."

Dictionary of Philosophy & Psychology

J. M. Baldwin's 1901 wordbook offers an extensive list of definitions of technical terminology & capsule identifications of major figures up to the beginning of the 20th c.  (hypertexted for quick reference by Classics in the History of Psychology).

Facts Encyclopedia: Philosophy Resources

Bob Drudge's cyber-gateway includes several religion-oriented links in an alpha listing of philosophical websites. Some listings reviewed.

God & Science: the Death & Rebirth of Theism

Expanded electronic edition of Charles P. Henderson's 1985 book on the impact of science on modern theology surveys the theories of Marx, Darwin, Freud, Einstein, Tillich & Teilhard de Chardin.

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

James Fieser edits a well-indexed collection of on-line surveys of the history & topics of philosophy (many religion-related) & posts e-texts of representative classics.

Kirche und Theologie im Web

Otto Ziegelmeier's searchable German website provides an extensive index of important electronic resources on theological disciplines, major theologians, & ecumenical dialog including many materials in English.

Philosophy Pages

Garth Kemerling's website is a prime example of the potential of electronic publishing. His well-integrated, top-quality projects include a Dictionary of Philosophical Terms & Names, an extensively hyper-linked History of Western Philosophy (work in progress), a timeline of western philosophers from 600 BCE to the present, an introduction to the elementary principles of logic, & essays on major philosophers including many who have influenced the development of theological and religious theory (Newberry College).

The Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series

Kelley L. Ross's cyber-journal champions the epistemological principles of Kant, Schopenhauer, & Jakob Fries & traces the influence of the neo-Friesian school on Rudolf Otto, Carl Jung, Mircea Eliade, & Karl Popper. Contents include extensive essays on the history of philosophy, epistemology, metaphysics, value theory, ethics, & the philosophies of religion, history & science.

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Dynamic e-text with scholarly articles kept up to date by specialist teams of researchers. Extensive topics & biographies of philosophers ancient and modern.

Theology Today

Ecumenical journal posts abstracts of articles in current issue & archives full e-texts of all volumes from 1944-2021 [Princeton Theological Seminary].


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This page was revised 03 February 2023 


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