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Cults & New Religions

Branch Davidians

Apologetics Index archives resources on the history & theology of David Koresh (né Vernon Howell) & the 1993 massacre of his followers at Waco, Texas.

Center for Study of New Religions (CESNUR)

Italy-based international association of scholars specialized in study of religious minorities & new religious movements archives a vast collection of news articles & research papers on controversial groups (including Scientology, New Age, Unification Church, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Family, Aum Shinri-kyo) & attempts to suppress them (brainwashing controversy, anti-cult law in France, FBI vs. Branch Davidians at Waco TX, China vs. the Falun Gong).

Cult Awareness & Information Centre Directory  

The late Jan Groenwald's well-researched guide to destructive cults & benign -Isms is now maintained by Ex-cult Resource Centre. It is distinguished from other cult-information directories by categorizing groups by type: bible-based (Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons), new age (Urantia, Eckankar), eastern (Soka Gakkai, Hare Krishna), psychotherapy (Scientology, EST), political (Lyndon LaRouche), occult (Edgar Cayce), & satanic.

Cult Control

Rod Usher surveys different approaches of European governments to control the proliferation of new cults & problems presented for freedom of belief (TIME 1/27/97) [archived by Cult Education Institute].

.Ex-cult Archive

Mike Doughny outlines psychological theories of totalism (Robert Lifton) & mind control (Margaret Singer) & provides a useful guide to information on anti-cult organizations, a bibliography on cults, & a catalog of cult-operated websites.

Heaven's Gate

Remnants of the website left by the computer age UFO cult "Higher Source" that led to mass suicide in San Diego CA (27 March 1997). Revealing example of cultic use of Christian materials.

Heaven's Gate

Apologetics Index summarizes the history & theology of the suicide cult founded by Marshall Applewhite.

Opus Dei Awareness Network

International network for former associates of controversial conservative Roman Catholic movement founded by Josemaria Escriva compares its questionable practices with the Vatican's own warnings against cults & questions the irregularity of the founder's recent canonization. 



Christian Coalition of America

Official cyberbase of conservative coalition designed "to give Christians a voice in government" outlines its mission & legislative agenda & posts news about targeted issues.

Christian Biopolitics: A Credo & Strategy for the Future

Ethicist Kenneth Cauthen's 1971 ecological & political manifesto for human survival in a rapidly changing world (posted by Religion Online). 

The Church Against the World

Full text of 1935 analysis by H. Richard Niebuhr, Wilhelm Pauck & Francis P. Miller of the threats posed to classical Christianity by capitalism, nationalism & the equation of Christianity with American religion (posted by Religion Online). 

Globalization & Human Solidarity

Third world Catholic theologian Tissa Balasuriya's appeal for all major religions to join in opposing western "money-theism" by promoting an ethic of sharing (posted by Religion Online).

The Institute for First Amendment Studies

Archive of information on theocratic movements in America that threaten the separation of church & state includes The Freedom Writer issues thru 2001.

The Institute on Religion and Democracy

Socially conservative institute coordinates traditionalist opposition to liberalizing policies of mainline Protestant denominations through intra-denominational action programs among Evangelicals, Methodists, & Episcopalians.

The Interfaith Alliance

Coalition of Americans committed to religious liberty to counter the political & social agenda of the radical religious right, promote tolerance & revitalize civic participation by religious moderates publishes a newsletter (The Light) & monitors the words & actions of religious extremists.

Le Poulet Gauche

Role-playing cyber-reconstruction of a 16th c. French tavern includes planks linking the reformation, religious wars, world affairs, social classes, major political figures & aspects of everyday life.

Reinhold Niebuhr: Children of Light & Children of Darkness

PDF of Niebuhr's classic 1944 argument of the moral imperative to defend democracy (archived by


Roles & Gender

Chabad-Lubavitch in Cyberspace: the Jewish Woman

NY-based movement provides a 20th c. Hasidic perspective on the role of women within Judaism.

Changing Woman

Karen Strom posts Navajo fertility legend describing puberty & fertility rituals. 


T. O. Beidelman's 1987 article from Eliade's Encyclopedia of Religion presents a balanced cross-cultural survey of the issue.

Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women & Gender in the Ancient World

Archived gateway to all sites related to gender in antiquity, maintained by Suzanne Bonefas & Ross Scaife until 2011.

Pope John Paul II: Mulieris Dignitatem

1988 papal papal letter on the dignity & vocation of women covers issues such as the exploitation of women, marriage, motherhood, the value of religious consecration, virginity, women who suffer, distinct feminine gifts and women's ordination.

Promise Keepers: Men of Integrity

Official website of anti-denominational evangelical movement founded by Bill McCartney, head coach of U of Colorado football team, outlines its agenda & theology.

Women and Religion

Hartford Institute for Religion Research posts links to on-line articles and research projects on various questions about women and religion.


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This page was revised 28 January 2023


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