Hebrew term for
"Learning" or "Study." The word acquired
a technical sense among Jews as reference to the collections
of discussions & debates among generations of rabbis who
studied the Mishna.
The core of the Talmud is the text of the Mishna itself.
Thus, it retains the Mishna's order of tractates. The
supplementary discussions, which add material not found in
the Mishna, are called the Gemara ["Completion"].
A rabbi whose opinions are cited in the Gemara but not the
Mishna has been traditionally called an amora ["speaker"].
Collectively, these later generations of rabbis are referred
to as the amoraim.
The Gemara
includes a lot of anecdotal material ['aggada] about
the early tannaim whose opinions were accepted as
authoritative in the Mishna. While obviously legendary &
often fanciful these anecdotes represent the genre of ancient
Jewish story-telling that is absent from the Mishna. Whatever
questions there may be about the value of these reports for
reconstructing an accurate historical impression of their
subjects, the stories about various rabbinic heroes offer a
window into the worldview of ancient Jews that provides a
cultural sidelight on early Christian stories about Jesus
& his disciples.
Talmud. The composition of Talmud began shortly
after the publication of the Mishna. Gemara, begun at Tiberias
by Johanan bar Nappacha
before 250 CE,
was subsequently expanded by scholars at
Sepphoris & Caesarea
to form the recension of Talmud that Jews
traditionally---but misleadingly---call Yerushalmi ["Jerusalem
Talmud"]. Work on this compendium was discontinued after
the abolition of the rabbinic patriarchate [425 CE]. Extant
manuscripts are incomplete, with Gemara only for tractates of
the first four sedarim.
Talmud. In 219 CE Abba Arika,
the nephew of the author of the Tosefta
[cHiyya bar Abba],
returned to his native Mesopotamia
to found a rabbinic Academy at Sura on the Euphrates river.
The Gemara compiled at Sura---which refers to him simply as Rab
["the Master"]--- was eventually expanded to
include the rabbinic debates at rival Mesopotamian schools
[especially Nehardea & Pum Beditha]. This inclusion of
rival viewpoints gives the Babylonian Gemara a distinctive
dialectical characteristic. The compilation of Gemara from
competing Jewish schools into one massive unified Babylonian
Talmud was probably prompted by attempts of Persian
authorities to limit & suppress Jewish education in the
late 5th c. CE. The Babylonian Talmud was given its
definitive form shortly after 500 CE.
Repeated contact
with the rabbinic Academy
in Galilee
led the compilers of the Babylonian Gemara to include the
opinions & oral traditions of many Palestinian rabbis in
their debates. But since they were beyond political scrutiny
of the Roman empire, the framers of the Babylonian Talmud
were also freer to include rabbinic messianic &
eschatological speculation in their work, speculation that
had been suppressed by leaders of the Academy in Palestine
due to the abortive bar Kochba revolt (135 CE) & friction
with Christians.
Supplementary Tractates. The
Babylonian Talmud never included Gemara for the Mishna
tractate Pirqe
Aboth ["Sayings
of the Fathers"]. But an expanded version of Aboth credited
to Nathan ha Babli,
a colleague of Judah ha Nasi
from Mesopotamia, was appended to it in later
editions of Talmud. Though the style of the Aboth of R.
Nathan is similar to the 3rd c. Tosefta,
most modern scholars consider it a later work.
Other tractates
that were added to the Talmud after its publication are those
on Samaritans [Kuthim] & proselytes [Gerim].
All these supplementary tractates, however, contain some very
early Palestinian material, that had little immediate
relevance to Mesopotamian or European Jews.
[Edition used: Epstein, Isidore, ed. Babylonian
Talmud. New Hebrew-English edition. London: The Soncino Press,
1967- present. Vols. cited: Aboda Zara (1988), Aboth (1988),
Erubin (1983), Hullin (1980), Kethubot
(1970), Nedarim (1985),
Pesahim (1967), Rosh Hashanah (1983), Sanhedrin
(1969), Shabbath (1972), Shebuoth (1987), Sotah (1985),
Ta'anith (1984), Yebamoth (1984), Yoma (1974) & supplementary tractates (1984, ed.
Abraham Cohen).]
Other resources
on line:
- Wilhelm Bacher's comprehensive essay in the
Soncino Babylonian Talmud -
digital archive of almost 1000 page text without translators'
introductions or frontal material. Review on home page lists table of
contents & a few missing tractates [Internet Archive].
Yerushalmi - full Hebrew text of the Palestinian Talmud (without
translation or notes) but with English
instructions for downloading freeware [posted by Israel's Mechon
Mamre (Mamre Institute)].
Bavli - Hebrew text of the 37 most important tractates of the
Babylonian Talmud for modern Judaism (without translation or notes) but
with English
instructions for downloading freeware [posted by Israel's Mechon
Mamre (Mamre Institute)].
- photo images of each page of the Babylonian Talmud with menus for easy
navigation [E-daf.com].
- article in
web has extensive list of links to other online resources.