Ancient gateway to
Palestine on the road to Egypt. Gaza was one of 5 Philistine
cities along the southern coast that successfully resisted
Israelite conquest until Judah
Maccabee's brother Jonathan
captured it (ca 150 BCE). It was virtually destroyed by Alexander
Jannai for revolting (ca
96 BCE). But it was rebuilt as a Roman city by Gabinius.
In Acts it is the setting for Philip's conversion of an
Ethiopian eunuch. But it was more than 300 years before it
became a center for Christians.
References: Josephus,
Antiquities 1.136;
5.81, 128; 13.150-151; 13.324-362; 15.217;
_____, War 1.87, 156, 396; 2.97, 460; 4.662.
Acts 8.26
For further information about archaeological & historical evidence, see:
Buttrick, G. A., ed. Interpreter's
Dictionary of the Bible. vol. 2 (NY/Nashville: Abingdon Press,
1962) pp. 357-358.
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