Messianic Rule  [1QSa]


Damaged fragments (2 columns) of a scroll discovered in cave 1 at Qumran (in 1947), outlining the hierarchical social order of the congregation of Israel in the messianic age.  Though originally appended to the Community Rule (1QS), this "rule" is distinct in several respects: 

  • (a) it envisions the unification of all Israel under the leadership of the Zadokite priests;

  • (b) it presupposes marriage & children who are born & raised within the community; &

  • (c) it describes Israel as a confederacy of tribes organized according to Mosaic military standards. 

It concludes with description of a communal meal in which bread & new wine are blessed first by the chief priest & then by the Messiah of Israel.

Other resources online:

Other important Dead Sea Scrolls

Perspective on the World of Jesus

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OCLC catalog no.: 62046512