homes built into the hillside at el-Azariye


Hebrew: "House of Hananiah" 

Small Judean village less than 2 miles east of Jerusalem on the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, identified by archaeologists with el-Azariye. Site of several scenes in the gospels prior to Jesus' arrest.

References:  Mark 11.1 // Luke 19:29
                    Mark 11:11-12 // Matt 21:17
                    Mark 14:3 // Matt 26:6  (cf. John 12:1)
                     John 11:1, 18 (cf. Luke 10:38)

traditional house of Mary & Martha behind crusader church

untying the donkey

For further recent information about archaeological & historical evidence, see:

  • Rousseau, John J. & Rami Arav. Jesus & His World. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995) pp. 15-16.

  • Bethany. illustrated historical overview of the site from ancient to current times (Wikipedia).

Perspective on the World of Jesus

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